Lear more about Africa's elephants and rhinos.

Rhinos Racing Towards Extinction

The rhinos of Africa and other parts of the world are facing extinction. The reason is not hard to find - the horns of these animals are prized in Eastern countries as traditional medicine and in Yemen for use in dagger handles.

While one may question these uses, they are integral to the cultures of these countries. Long ago, when there were many more rhinos and fewer people, the impact of these practises was probably not that severe. Now, however, each and every rhino is in very real danger.

How does one reverse a deep-seated cultural practise? Not very easily! And when there are several BILLION people that need to be reached (few of which have access to even the most basic communications) the task becomes hopeless.

So the rhinos will continue to head for extinction unless we take very positive action right now. Some of this action must consist of protection. But other approaches - including placing a value on rhinos so that they become a valuable asset that produces a valuable commodity - must be used too.

The graphs tell the story - the black rhino and northern white rhino are nearly extinct. The southern white rhino has been rescued - but with mounting demand for horn this could be very temporary indeed . . .

A survey of rhinos on private land - from the Rhino and Elephant Foundation Journal.

Trends in world rhino populations - from the Save the Rhino International newsletter Planet Rhino.